burning candles.
It's been forever since I've written a blog post, but this afternoon my children gave me the gift of a nap and solitude, by deciding to sleep at the same time. This, truly, is the pinnacle of all miracles. (I need you to understand that this probably will not happen for another nine to fifteen months!!!)
October decisively beckons a new season. So to welcome Fall on this overcast Midwest day, here are some words that hopefully inspire reflection in the form of good ol'-fashioned poetry.
Happy Saturday.

Burning Candles
Candles were made to burn.
The true essence of a candle
Isn't at all in it's appearance.
The shell and the wax may be
Attractive, surely.
And yet, the candle's magic lies
Within the depths of it's fragrance.
The fragrance has the power to
Evoke memories and emotions;
Peace and stillness.
The fragrance calls us back
To home.
The fragrance, though, comes
With a high and sometimes dangerous price.
A spark.
It's not a roaring, destructive billow of heat, smoke and embers.
It's quiet, confident, and fragile
All at once.
The fragrance comes after the fire.
We are all candles:
Brown ones.
Black ones.
White ones.
All shell and wax at the core.
It's our fragrance that's the sweetest,
That heals and warms and invites and calls others
But there must be fire.
Whether it's the spark of a breakthrough
Or the singe of painful loss,
Our fire calls forth our fragrance.
Endure the fire,
For it's more than heat.
It is hope,
The fire is what makes you -
What makes me -
A burning